Journey Back to Power – Day 6

What does it mean to fully own and embody your power?

There seems to be lots of different ways that walking as a powerful person can show up. From taking action towards creating your desired dreams, to learning to draw clean and clear boundaries.

Last night I had an opportunity to fully own and embody my own personal power through drawing a boundary. Though it made me kind of uncomfortable in the moment, it also felt really amazing and energizing. Like being my own best friend and caring about how I felt first and foremost.

It feels really amazing to support yourself in that way. To say – “I recognize that you’re having an experience here too…. but I’m not responsible for YOUR experience – I’m responsible for MINE!”

Journey Back to Power – Day 6

I was at the park enjoying an incredible concert with friends, and a man I met recently at an open mic night came over to hang out with me. I have a hard time opening up to new people, I was there with my friends intent on enjoying the music, and to be honest I felt rather uncomfortable.

I think my discomfort rubbed off on him, but after a series of rather awkward exchanges, he ended up telling me, “Don’t invite me over to your house unless you plan to have sex with me” essentially. I ended up saying, “I don’t think we’re gonna have to worry about that” and walking away.

I saw a super potent meme on Facebook a few days ago that came back to me in that moment. I don’t actually know where it came from, so I can’t credit the author, but I’ll share what it said here:

“Dear Young Adults,

You can leave.

If you don’t like your doctor, walk out in the middle of your appointment.

Leave the party. End the date. Don’t wait until the “polite” time to leave or endure because you think you’ll make a scene.

You can go.”

I know I for one have spent a lot of my life worried about what the other person is thinking. Worrying about feeling rejected because of what I did or didn’t do. Trying to take care of someone else’s feelings.

Last night was SUCH an incredible opportunity for me to remember that MY feelings are most important for me to worry about. Everyone else can take care of their own feelings.

If I’m feeling uncomfortable, or like someone has crossed my boundaries, though, then it’s time to take care of myself, advocate for my inner child, and walk away if I need to.

“You can go.”

I’d love to hear from you in the comments…

Tell me about a time you fully owned and embodied your own power – even if it felt uncomfortable.

Miss out on my earlier Journey Back to Power posts?? Catch up with Day 5 here.

One Comment On “Journey Back to Power – Day 6”

  1. Way to Go Girl!! Always do what’s right for you. Proud of you!
    Take care of U Kat

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