Win This Stunning Yarn!

Berroco Modern Cotton Yarn Giveaway
The Veronica Meets Spring Mystery CAL/KAL is starting soon….so now seems like the perfect time to give away 5 skeins of gorgeous Berroco Modern Cotton yarn!
This is the yarn that I used for my Veronica MCAL projects….and I really enjoyed working with it. It’s super soft, has a beautiful drape, and the sheen is just stunning. I’ve chosen 4 colors that I think would make a beautiful MCAL project, and I’ve provided enough of each to match the CAL/KAL requirements. You don’t have to be participating in the event to win this yarn, but we sure would love to have you along for the fun!
Check out all the details and join in on the CAL/KAL fun by clicking here. We have the BEST group of over 1700 people participating….and everyone who joins will be getting 4 gorgeous patterns.

Yarn Giveaway!
Enter To Win Now:
1. If you don’t already receive my newsletter, sign up for the Melody’s Makings Newsletter now! Just enter your information into the form below. (Winner will be announced via the newsletter, so you’ll need to be on the list in order to see if you won)
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2. Give Melody’s Makings a “like” on Facebook! Simply hit the “like” button below:
3. Share this giveaway with your crafty friends. Please use the handy social sharing buttons at the bottom of this post so your crafty friends can enter to win too!
4. Confirm you’ve completed all of the steps by putting your name and e-mail address into the Rafflecopter form below.
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What an amazing give away! Thank you
I love this give away! Very nice colours, don’t know this brand
Thanks for the opportunity to win this yarn! My first CAL!
So nice of you to offer this beautiful yarn 🙂
Thank you!!!!!
How generous, this is great yarn!
Beautiful yarns. Love the colors.
I would love to win. I signed up for the MCAL my first time.
I would love to win this beautiful yarn.
Thank you for your generosity Melody!
Shared liked now would love to win best wishes for all.
Lovely yarn, thanks for the chance to win!
This would be a wonderful ‘win’. Trying to figure out when I can get out to get my yarn for the Mcal. Having a little trouble walking any distance the last few weeks. So this would help me out a lot. Melody you are so generous and the people on your site are so helpful when questions pop up. I’m so glad I found this group. Ready to have some fun. I joined both the knit and crochet mystery cal/kal for the Veronica pattern. I’m just starting to knit and thought with the video’s you are doing it will really help me out. THANK YOU for all you do
Thank you!
Haven’t worked with this yarn before. Would love to win it and join the CAL/KAL. Such fun trying new things.
I love cotton and would be very thankful to try it and make something stunning.
Thankyou ?
Thanks! Gorgeous yarn & I’m looking forward to starting!
I would love to win this yarn
I would love to try this yarn but it is not in my budget yet. thank you for an opportunity to win it.
Ok ? I’m giving you permission Melody to NOT put my name in draw as I can’t follow simple instructions by sending my name AND email address – for some ? Tick I’m sure – I enter my name and then press enter – boom! Enter In but my email address not – and surprise surprise it’s not the first time I have done these – just plain ?
Thank you for the opportunity to win the yarn.
Thank you for the amazing giveaway! 🙂
What an awesome and generous giveaway! Thank you so much! Good luck everyone!
I would love to win this yarn as I’ve been wanting to try it for ages. I love cotton and use it a lot, in fact it’s one of my main used yarns because I’m vegan so it’s one of my best options to work with. I’ve entered and shared over on facebook and twitter :). Keeping my fingers crossed and thank you for the chance to try this yarn. Rosie aka Bedcrafter 🙂
I would love love to win this yarn!! Then i could do a second copy of VMS MCAL with your colors!!! Pick me PLEASE!! Thank you sew much Jan
Love this yarn. Would love to win some! It’s a wonderful gift from Melody. Thanks so much.
This would be a dream come true. I really love the colors and so want to the Cal but don’t have enough yarn. So thank you for a chance to win .
Thou shalt not covet- but when it comes to yarn (especially cotton yarn) man that is hard!
Thank you!
This looks like great yarn and love the colors!
What a beautiful selection!!!!! It would be a wonderful thing to win and have a chance to use this wonderful yarn.
Fabulous! I’m trying to figure out how I can incorporate crochet into the last few days of second grade. Math lesson? History? Writing?
Great yarn – thanks for the opportunity to win this in time for the CAL!
Love the yarn. would make a great gift for anyone
love the yarn its beautiful
Would love to win this yarn!! Having a hard time deciding what colors I want, lol!!
Love the yarn! Would love the opportunity to work with it!
What a generous giveaway. Love being part of this community.
That is beautiful yarn. I have never seen it before but it looks easy to use. Looking forward to this CAL. I picked out my colors yesterday from my stash. I have lots more acrylic than cotton so that is what I am using.
berocca yarns are very nice to crochet with. these are lovely colors from their selection & will make a prized accessory. the winner will be blessed to receive them.
Love the colors! Your the best. I love this community!
Beautiful love the colors
Oh what beautiful colors! Have never worked with this beautiful yarn. Cotton is my favorite to work with! Thank you for this oppurtunity!
This is so nice of you. Thank you for the chance.
Love this amazing giveaway <3
I’m so excited for this to start! All my friends want to know what I’ll be making ?
Would love to try this yarn, such beautiful colors.
I would love to win this yarn for the MCAL! Thank you for your generosity in giving us a chance to win it.
Awesome and generous! Ty for the chance! All steps complete! 🙂
Beautiful yarn. Never used it before, never won anything before either – just saying…..:) Thanks for the opportunity to enter.
This looks like another kind of yarn I have used…it is beautiful. Thanks so much!
Never used this yarn, but it sure is beautiful ! Thank you so much for letting me take a chance to win !
Thank you so much! I would love to win this yarn! Beautiful!
Thanks for the opportunity to win this yarn
Could really use winning this to do the mcal with. I joined but not sure I can afford the yarn.
What fun, what fun and such a generous giveaway!! Thank you so much for the opportunity!!
Thank you . This yarn is gorgeous. I would love to win and be
Able to make something cool for the summer.
They are lovely colors.
What a wonderful gift for someone!
I would love to win this yarn. Nothing like cotton in these delicious colors. Your project can only have an extra edge at being wonderful.
Thank you for the lovely giveaway!
Lovely colors of yarn!
I would love to get my hands on this lovely yarn. Thanks for giving us a chance!
Great choice of yarn!! I got some in a grab bag at Goodwill and love it!! Thank you for the fabulous giveaway!!
Looks like a nice yarn. I would love to try it.
Nice giveaway! I am going to have to keep a look out for this yarn, can’t wait to try it out. Thanks
I think that yarn has my name on it!!!
Thanks! Would love to try the yarn. It looks wonderful!
This yarn looks lovely.
This yarn would be so awesome to win. I can never afford nice yarn like this. Thanks
What a beautiful selection! Excited to start this project. Thank you for doing this, nice to look outside of our comfort zones in crochet and trying something new.
Wow beautiful yarn. I hardly ever win anything but you have to be in it to win it! Fingers crossed.
Wow. What a fantastic giveaway!
goodness! Those were my own color choices….great minds!
Best kind of giveaway
Beautiful colors!!
I love the colors of the spectacular yarn and getting ready to start a variety of new projects. The yarn would meet my expectations.
Truly an inspiration! Thanks Melody!
Such a generous gift, thank you
What an awesome give away!!!
Would be amazing if I won!
I would love to win this yarn.
This is one of my favorite yarns! I would love to win this for my Veronica meets Spring!!!
bee-u-tee-ful colors!!
shared on my pintrest & liked your facebook page. Thanks for sharing your yarns 🙂
I’m entering the KAL tomorrow. I love this group!
Love this giveaway. Thanks!
I don’t have Facebook but I’ve done the other steps, do I still count?
Thanks for a great giveaway!!
Thought I did this correctly before, but apparently not so….now I have followed all the steps. I would like a chance to work with this yarn and if I won I’d gift the yarn I ordered to someone else.
Hope I did the right thing to try & win the Yarn Give Away ?
Thank you for the opportunity. Whether I win this yarn or not, being a part of this group, I will always be a winner. Thank you so much Melody.
Beautiful yarn! Thank you for the opportunity to win some!
Thank you so much! I can’t wait for the CAL to begin. I have not done one in a while.
It will be awesome to win this fabulous yarn as we don’t have the opportunity of these luxury yarns in South Africa 🙂
<3 Wow!
It would be great to win this!
Love the colors. Thank you.
Love the idea of a yarn giveaway!
Of course I messed up my entry but I did share the giveaway
I look fwd to crocheting with this lovely
Beautiful yarn, I can see a summer sweater in it.
I’ve never tried this yarn and hope I win. The colors are beautiful and are a wonderful color combination. First M Cal for me so expectations are high.
Oh I soo hope I win!! I never get to use extra nice yarns like this! Thank you so much!
Thank you, Melody, for this awesome opportunity! If the yarn shown is the ‘prize’, then it is stunning! what lovely colors for Spring/Summer!
OOOOW! I hope I win, I hope I win, I hope I WIN!
Ohhh! Such pretty yarn. Thank you for the opportunity!
beautiful yarn, I would love to try this in the kal. Beautiful oh I already said that lol. I would love to win this yarn.
thanks for the opportunity
Love the yarn !
Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness. Good luck, everyone!
Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness! Good luck, everyone!
Thank you and the colors are beautiful!!!
Would love to win this yarn…..the colors are amazing!!
Thanks for the chance!
Thank yiu for this opportunity! I’m anxiously awaiting the start of the new CAL.
Thank you!
Thank you for having this giveaway on this beautiful colorful yarn. I would love to be the winner!!!
Wow what nice yarn and a give away…how blessed would I be to win this…thank you for the chance
I can’t afford to join this mkal one either but would love to have the yarn to maybe be able to sign up for another 🙂
The yarn is beautiful. I could think of so many things to make with it including the Veronica’s Spring Mystery
I never worked with this type of yarn but it looks gorgeous !!
How generous of you to give this yarn away. You always have great ways to get us knitting or crocheting with your free patterns. These yarns look great and I have no doubt that whoever wins it will have a great time making something really nice. Thanks again.
Giving someone/anyone an opportunity to work with a different type of yarn is a wonderful thing! Thank you!!
Gorgeous yarn! Hope to work with it!
Beautiful yarn. Fingers crossed that I win. Thank you
I have seen this yarn in my local JoAnn store and have wanted to try it but have not been able to afford it as of yet. Winning some would be awesome until I can buy some for myself. 🙂
Thank you for the opportunity to win this gorgeous yarn
Beautiful yarn! Thanks for another giveaway!
I’d love to see this yarn. I hear so many good reports about it. I’m in Australia. I would really like to win it. Thank you so much Melody.
The yarn looks beautiful! <3
what a great giveaway! the colours you’ve picked are beautiful! <3
This yarn looks wonderful and beautiful colors. Good luck to everyone.
Melody each of your CAL’s teach us something new, whether it’s a new technique or an item we’ve never made before. But I also appreciate that we are exposed to different yarn we may have never used before. Thank you for the “Whole Experience!”
OOOH love the luscious colors, would really like to win this yarn and make the KAL
Shared, signed up for newsletter and liked your page. Looking forward to reading your newsletters.
The yarn is beautiful! Thank you for your generosity.
Hope I win this time
These contests are awesome! Thank you for thinking of us.
Love the colors and Berrocco yarn!
This yarn is only available at the few non-chain yarn shoppes left in my area (five have closed since the first of the year) and of course, none of the remaining shoppes are close to where I live. Would love to win them. I love Berroco yarn but have only used the chunky.
Bellissimo giveway, partecipo volentieri!! Grazie!
hi Melody!
thank you for this amazing giveaway! I’ve entered the emailadress I use for the newsletter and my pinterest account, it’s a different one than the one I use for fb and twitter. But shared on all of those too!
Thank you for the chance to win this beautiful yarn. I am unable to purchase it because of limited funds, so I would love to win it. Thank you again!
The yarn is beautiful !!! Melody is amazing … Can’t wait for her next CAL !
Great giveaway, I love the colors of the yarn. Good Luck to everyone!
Thank you for the opportunity to win this yarn. i am looking forward to the Spring/Summer MCAL! Good luck to all!
Oh the yarn looks beautiful!!!! It will be wonderful for who ever wins!!!!! Good luck to all of us!!!!!
My family and crocheting make me happy ? Would love to win this yarn. Thank you for such an awesome giveaway.
Ohhh! I’m drooling… let me wipe my chin, lol! sigh…
Stunning Yarn would win it.
Sounds like this cal/kal will be beautiful will this yarn giveaway. Wow.
Love the colors.
Love your yarn. Y UST came in the mail today. Can’t wait till June 7 to start the mystery cal