Which Would You Rather Have?

I’ve been told in the past that I’m not easy to buy gifts for….

Perhaps the cozy, over-sized sweaters, the yarn over-flowing out of my far too huge purse, and the crochet hook sticking out of my back pocket aren’t solid enough clues.

I’m easy to shop for.  I promise.

Yarn Humor, Knit or Crochet Humor

Yarn Addicts Are Easy to Shop For


So am I alone?  Which would you rather have?  Leave me a comment.

If you’d choose option number two, please share this with a friend you think might too!

327 Comments On “Which Would You Rather Have?”

  1. That’s a tough choice, but I’d rather have the yarn hahaha.

  2. Yarn always!

  3. Definitely number 2! I’d kill number 1 haha

  4. Yarn every time!

  5. Yarn

  6. The yarn! I could make my own roses that don’t wilt.

  7. i would rather have the yarn , im not a flower type person ,,, and i can do more with the yarn then i can with the flowers ,, withe right yarn i can make my own flowers

  8. The yarn

  9. Number 2 definitely! Then I would crochet some number 1. Ha ha! X

  10. Yarn of course, flower die and go away. Yarn is creative and soft and useful.

  11. yarn, duh… buy as much yarn as you can for the amount you would’ve spent on flowers. I’ll be happy…

    An aside… my husband once asked if a “fancy” bottle of wine would be a good gift for me. Duh, of course. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  12. Roses die, yarn is forever! Lol

  13. #2 ~ all the way! I think my family is starting to figure this out… I got close to 50 balls/skeins from various family members this past Christmas!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  14. Number 2, it will last a lot longer!

  15. Id rather have the yarn, the flowers die eventually but the yarn never dies.

  16. The flowers will die in a few days and the yarn (which of course is my choice)will give me pleasure to work with and then see the final product in the hands of a child or adult which I have made a gift.

  17. Yarn!!!!!!!!!I swear I was a cat in a former life!

  18. Yarn

  19. No. 2. Call me greedy but at least two balls. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  20. As much as I love roses, I’d rather have the yarn! ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. Yarn all day long!

  22. Yarn is forever! Flowers dir eventually. It’s the difference between a doll that does everything and one for your imagination.

  23. I see I’m not alone in my choice of number 2.

    Add in some fairly strong sensitivities to flowers of all kinds, and it’s a clincher. Better yet, a gift card to a yarn or craft shop so I can browse all the loveliness first.

  24. Yarn is always better than cut flowers. Although, if it’s spring or summer, a garden plant is always a great gift too.

  25. I would take yarn every time!!!!
    Carol Wms.

  26. Can the yarn total be $59.99 too ? My family knows I am a yarn gal ? ??

  27. yarn will look good in a project and last a lot longer than flowers

  28. the yarn of course, I would make myself something that would last a long time or maybe crochet myself a rose.

  29. Yarn! It lasts longer ?

  30. Who among us wouldn’t choose the yarn?
    I wish there were a way to tell my hubby that – without offending him. He sends flowers for all occasions (Christmas, Valentine’s, Mother’s Day, etc) – and I’ve hinted so many times that I’d LOVE a gift card – for ____ yarn shop, or that yarn shop, etc..
    Even left yarn labels around – so I do get lovely flowers, and the feelings are so genuine and sweet, I cannot complain, can I?
    There’s always a clever little note or poem sent with the flowers – and yes! I do keep those and they are special.
    But my choice would always be the yarn….preferably a gift card for Deramore’s or Black Sheep Wools, or KnitPicks —the list goes on and on…Even Fiesta Yarns – which I love!

  31. The yarn of course! Roses are beautiful, but I don’t do flower smells. Alergies.

  32. Can I have the $60 in Vanna’s yarn?

  33. I love getting flowers, because I never do, but I would have to say Yarn Please!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ How about a compromise? One romantic flower for $3.99 and all the yarn with what the flowers would cost! ๐Ÿ™‚

  34. Oh I for sure would rather have #2!!!!! ? my husband knows if he comes home with flowers that he has spent money on….. He is in big trouble!! Unless they are fake and or something that grows in a pot or in the yard lol!!! I would rather have craft supplies over any other gift!! For Valentines I got a new sewing Machine? my hubs is the best!

  35. Yarn of course!

  36. Hmmmm hard choice….NOT….yarn please and thank you!

  37. Yarn would be my choice!

  38. I love roses but alas I rather have the yarn! I would of picked the yarn if it were the price of the roses over the roses. Yarn is a long term lasting gift of love.

  39. Number two…
    I could always make number one with number too….

  40. I like flowers once in awhile, but I would love to receive yarn anytime.

  41. I can never refuse yarn so yarn it is for me too.

  42. yarn trumps roses always

  43. I’d definitely rather have yarn! Besides, the cats shred the flowers to pieces, and it looks like the great flower massacre…a waste of money in my opinion! Haha! Yarn…or patterns…or yarn! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  44. If course the yarn !!! Flowers last such s short time … But the yarn will create something to last s lifetime !

  45. Are you kiddingly? Yarn, yarn, yarn!

  46. $59.99 worth of the yarn please. ?

  47. I’d prefer yarn everytime!

  48. Yarn! Always need it. Roses wilt.

  49. I love flowers, however I would rather have the yarn. As a matter of fact if the cost of the flowers (that will die) is $59.99, I’ll take that much yarn….LOL. Just think of what you could do with that much yarn!!!

  50. Yarn, of course!

  51. I love flowers but the yarn still has my preference . you have more fun with

  52. I had lunch with my parents on Friday, and they asked what I wanted for my birthday. I gave them the link to some yarn I won’t splurge on for myself, but would love to work with sometime and pointed out the shop does gift cards.

    That way they get to give me something “special” and feed my yarn addiction at the same time.

  53. Much rather have the yarn. Keeps my hands and mind busy ๐Ÿ˜‰

  54. Heck ya buy me 60$ of Yarn lol that would make any crafter day ๐Ÿ™‚

  55. UUUUHHHH! not sure, THE YARN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  56. Yarn, of course!

  57. Yarn, without a doubt! I love roses but much prefer them on a summers day on the bush!

  58. Definitely yarn for me.

  59. The only time I would choose the roses is if they still had roots on them and I could plant them in my garden. I am truly an addict and would love the yarn. I am definitely going to share this with my friends list. Men should know the real way to our hearts. LOL!

  60. Yarn!!! By far!

  61. Definitely the yarn! The flowers die too quickly the yarn can make something that will last.

  62. I would have to say the yarn because the flowers don’t last!!!

  63. Yarn lol not that it would make any difference as he forgot valentines dad and I’m not holding out for Mother’s Day either!!!

  64. Yarn is the best gift for me. I like getting house plnts as well. Now that I’m working, crochet is my distressing agent when I come in. My son was the sweetest for my Valentine’s day gift, he gave me a $20 gift card to Joanne’s. He knew wht I wanted.

  65. The yarn, if course ?i never have enough in my stash.

  66. I’m with you

  67. Although roses are beautiful to look at, the yarn would be my choice as I can make anything I want to out of it.

  68. yarn definitely

  69. Yarn of course, or a gift card to buy yarn!

  70. Yeah, yarn lasts longer than flowers….. i rather be able to use a gift than look at it!

  71. Yarn of course. Flowers die but yarn goes on forever and ever

  72. Yarn every time. Maybe rose color yarn.
    have a great week and continue keeping us entertained.

  73. I see a crocheted flower coming on ๐Ÿ˜‰

  74. The yarn!
    Flowers die after a while, with yarn you make things that last a long time!

  75. YARN and more YARN!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  76. Yarn, yarn and more yarn ALWAYS!!!

  77. I would rather have the yarn!

  78. Yarn! That’s all I want and I never get any ?

  79. Yarn, who does not want yarn!!!!

  80. I would take yarn, fabric, thread,floss, sewing needles,and crochet hooks!!! Of course!

  81. if your dh is that thoughtful and even send poems with the flowers…well you just HAVE to keep THAT going ๐Ÿ™‚

  82. Both ๐Ÿ™‚ but If I had to choose. It’s obvious no. 2.

  83. No doubt, the yarn!

  84. I’d much rather spend the $60 on yarn

  85. No contest…the yarn!

  86. Well, occasionally I have trouble making up my mind but not here…the yarn, of course. Better yet, if a man spent the same amount on yarn as on the roses, I’d be VERY thankful! It’s not the $, it’s the taking the time to find what would actually make my heart go pitty-pat. All that yarn would certainly do it. Whoo-hoo!

  87. Yarn, of course, but in the amount (or more) of the flowers. ๐Ÿ˜€

  88. Yarn trumps all material things in life!

  89. The yarn, unless it was fresh picked flowers off our apple tree or lilac tree… then it would be a difficult choice!!!

  90. Yarn of course!

  91. Yarn of course. My sweetheart husband actually took me to my favorite LYS for Valentine’s Day. I took him over to the section of my favorite yarn. I had to promise that whatever I made from his selection would be for me. Love him!!!?

  92. Of course I rather have yarns!!

  93. The yarn! I do love roses, but yarn! I am a sucker for yarn. I always go first to the yarn at any store that carries it, and hunt it down at the charity shops. I am incorrigible. The yarn! The yarn!

  94. I want as much of #2 that would equal the price of #1…lol Hey, if he’s willing to spend that much money on roses, he can spend that much on yarn!!

  95. No contest! Yarn any day.

  96. I would take the yarn! Love the flowers, but the yarn will last longer! I’d use it for a shawl, scarf, or something else pretty.

  97. I would much rather have option #2. Crochet helps me with my depression, so having yarn is a must.

  98. I tell them every year, yarn, yarn tools, yarn related, or gift card to a store that carries yarn. I make it as easy as I can. Even when they ask if I would like a gift card, where would I like it from and I answer, Michael’s, Hobby Lobby or even Walmart. Somehow they interpret that as, “She wants another boring coffee cup with a tea bag in it or some such thing.” LOL, beats me where the communication gap is.

  99. Men don’t hear hints or see the labels lying around as a suggestion. You have to flat out say, “I love you & appreciate the gesture, but I want yarn, not flowers.”

  100. It is not the cost but the fact that I can do something with the yarn and have it forever!!!!

  101. I would rather have the yarn. Was never really fond of roses. Don’t get me wrong, I love the smell of roses, but never really like getting them.

  102. I would rather him spend the money on yarn. There are plenty of pretty wildflowers growing during spring and summer that are free he can pick.

  103. Yarn. I agree with the ones saying they want the $59.99 quantity or a gift certificate to their favorite yarn shop.

    Of course, look at where this question was posted. Kind of stacks the deck in favor of yarn. ?

  104. I would take the yarn!

  105. YARN! YARN! YARN!!!!! I literally have a room full of it but I do need more, LOL!

  106. Its a hard choice, after thinking it over I shall choose #2

  107. Yarn every time. The yarn will end up being something that will last a lifetime whether it be for me or someone else. It could be a treasured heirloom, a beautiful sweater, a cozy blanket or the best looking seat in the house. But the roses, they will be long forgotten after just a couple of days.

  108. The yarn of course, I prefer the roses in the garden!

  109. The yarn; of course!!!

  110. Yarn

  111. Would I be greedy of I asked for $59.95 worth of yarn in the shape of flowers. If not, I think I would rather have the flowers. Yes, I love the yarn, but I do have quite a hoard. And I am greedy enough to need a few more skeins. ?

  112. The yarn wins all the time!! Never have enough!!!!

  113. The yarn would be my choice.

  114. thats not even a question, the yarn of course!

  115. YARN YARN YARN!!!! My stash isn’t large enough yet!

  116. obviously the yarn!

  117. Definitely the yarn. When you have cats flowers are not allowed. Cats eat them and get sick. Never have enough yarn

  118. Yarn dah! Lol

  119. duh, of course I’d prefer the yarn and lots of it!! But please no animal fibers or super bulky. (or cute bags to carry yarn in, or a supply of shopping bags that don’t say thank you for shopping at Walmart or local grocery store in which to deliver customer items)

  120. Yarn, but as long as you’re asking, I’d like something that I wouldn’t normally splurge on…I bever feel guilty buying a skein of Vanna with a 40% off coupon, but my hubs brought me two gorgeous had dyed fingering weight yarns the other day that were on SALE for more than I would have typically spent. That was really special! First time he’d ever bought me yarn…and it was a “just because” surprise. ๐Ÿ™‚

  121. Of course it’s going to be wool all the time! Perhaps I should just get a gift card or a wishlist for my local wool shop…
    Mind you, when I want wool…. I do just tend to buy it! It’s my only vice – I don’t smoke, drink.. or take fashion highly.. – so it’s my treat!

  122. I would love pretty flowers and would take them graciously but definitely money better spent on the yarn! ๐Ÿ™‚

  123. Yarn definitely! But I did find a local company called Ecoflowers that makes beautiful bouqets out of wood/paper and I would love one of those!

  124. Yarn, I’m addected to buying yarn

  125. My family always says I am hard to buy for too. I would choose the yarn over the flowers all the time.

  126. the yarn in all the colors of the flowers. lol as many skeins or hanks of yarns as the flowers. soft and pretty to me. last longer. i can revel in them longer. i can crochet flowers to last forever from the yarns…

  127. Definitely the yarn — it will last where the flowers will wilt & fade over a short time.

  128. Donna Kelly Connelly

    Easy choice for me since I’m allergic to most flowers. I’d probably prefer a gift card though in case I need other supplies as well.

  129. It would depend on the type of yarn. If it were this particular one I would have to go with the roses, but if it were a skein of knit picks swish for 3.99 I would rather have the yarn. ๐Ÿ™‚

  130. I would rather have the yarn.

  131. Yarn

  132. Sorry, Ecoflower, not Ecoflowers ๐Ÿ˜‰

  133. Yarn of course!! I don’t really care for flowers. I don’t mind something like a plant in a pretty pot that will continue to grow though.

  134. Yarn,yarn,yarn. Do we ever have enough.

  135. Yes yarn!!!!! Lol

  136. There is no choice ! Yarn of course ! ??

  137. Oh, please, I would love enough yarn to finish any project of my choice and a new hook (can’t ever find the one I need or like)

  138. Yarn : )

  139. Yarn and lots of it or gift card for JoAnns craft store.

  140. Yarn

  141. Hands down, the Yarn won he he

  142. I’m sure all of us prefer the yarn

  143. That is easy, yarn

  144. The yarn for me, too!

  145. I get told the same thing, your hard to buy for. Well spend 5 minutes with me and you will get the hint. I want yarn, hooks, patterns, how hard can that be?

  146. The yarn please! I can knit some everlasting flowers ??

  147. Deffo the yarn! I love flowers but the yarn wins for me!? xxx

  148. Since the only time I was given flowers, they did not make it to me (he smashed the car on the way to the hospital) and his only other “gift” to me was a truckload of composted chicken manure (which I had to shovel out), I gotta pick the yarn, if only to make a rope to hang him with.
    No worries, he is long gone from my life.
    If I were to get a gift card, I would hope it includes shipping charges, as I am 125 miles or more from ANY big yarn store like Michael’s or JoAnn’s. IF I get a chance to be in the neighborhood, I never have time to stop.

  149. Yarn is my top pick!

  150. Yarn! Lol! I love flowers though ๐Ÿ™‚

  151. Any guy can buy any gal flowers, it’s a no-brainer lol. But give me a guy who knows me well enough to pick the yarn (or at least a gift card to my fav craft store), and that’s the love of my life. ?

  152. Yep….yarn!! Not a flowers person either, don’t like it when they die.

  153. Yarn. It will last. And I can choose what I make with it.

  154. Well the yarn would be nice, but since I’ve already got so much I think I would choose option ‘C’… More Time To Knit! ๐Ÿ™‚

  155. Haha I really looooove the
    flowers too but can take better care of the yarn!

  156. Absolutely the yarn. I love flowers in my garden, however, bouquets wither away and that saddens me.

  157. yarn of course!

  158. I love the yarn

  159. I want the yarn, yarn and more yarn. The flowers will die.

  160. Yarn……maybe the color of roses. HaHa
    The yarn will last longer too.

  161. Yarn of course!! Flowers die but I can do so much more with yarn that will last SO much longer!!!!!! A bottle of wine to drink while yarning would be nice too!!

  162. Does your hubby have a brother, or uncle , or ???

    Would of course choose yarn but a single rose would be enough to sniff while stroking the yarn!

  163. Don’t like flowers. Answer is yarn

  164. I love roses but sad to say they die, so I would get more enjoyment from the yarn..My husband knows I like to crochet different things as I’m still learning how.

  165. Easy decision – Yarn or a gift card to my favorite yarn shops.

  166. Oh for sure the yarn!! Have oodles of it with plans for it but always rips at me to leave the store without some new yarn.

  167. I would take the yarn any day!

  168. I love flowers, but…yarn!!!

  169. Lol. My husband has bout me flowers maybe twice in 9 years of marriage. He would feed my yarn addiction.

  170. That’s a hard one! Not! YARN!!!!!!!!!

  171. Definitely number two.

  172. THE YARN! <3 ๐Ÿ˜€

  173. After 36 years of marriage, you’d think he’d know! Gift cards to Joann, Michael’s, Hobby Lobby…..any would suffice! ๐Ÿ™‚

  174. No contest: the roses – only joking! The yarn of course!!

  175. I always have hated to get flowers. It is just so depressing when they die in just a couple days. I would rather have something that I can work with that does not die and by working on it, it improves my depression. Most definitely LOVE the yarn.

  176. I love flowers but not at that price!! I would go for the yarn too

  177. Oh my family knows my choice, if they insist on flowers, it has to be something I can plant outside. But they also know the gift cards that I adore,or like my Mom, she checks my wish lists and I’m always surprised!! For my birthday last year, she got my best friend to look on my Knit Picks list and she bought me an interchangeable set in the Caspian color. For helping her (I am her care giver) she wanted to do something nice so she purchased me a set of the Caspian DPN’s, she knows I am taking a sock class, so these were a fantastic surprise. I am truly blessed.

  178. Yarn! Not a big flower fan?

  179. LOL! I’ve had this very conversation with my family. I always say if the roses are not cut and in a plant-able form (with roots), I’ll take them. But yarn or a gift card (which I usually hate) for my favorite yarn/crafts supply store is always a welcome and appreciated gift!

  180. Marianne,
    I swear I wrote my post before reading yours about rose bushes and gift cards! “Great minds…”

  181. would choose the yarn, lol

  182. The yarn, of course. And tell me you used a coupon or got it on sale and I will love it more! LOL

    Do you know how much yarn you could buy with that money you spent on those flowers, especially if it was on sale?!

    Now, I wouldn’t mind having a rosebush…and I could go pick my own when I feel like it. (That would be a great value) But plant it FAR from the house…no bees near the house, please! I do not want the neighbors seeing the crazy lady running from the bees. hahaha

  183. Quality yarn bouquet and he is amazing at selecting. ?Roses he plants for life events and daisies & irises are my favorite flowers. Plants are always welcome and as I’m big on suarainability,

  184. the yarn would be great

  185. Well, yarn, but probably the RIGHT yarn, so some people might think roses would be the safer gift…

  186. Well, duh…..!!!!! The yarn, of course. Or a trip to my favorite yarn shop with his credit card!!!

  187. Always the latter! Flowers die…I am going to make something beautiful with the yarn!

  188. More yarn, there is no such thing in having to much yarn! Roses are beautiful and smell good, but they only last a few days. Yarn on the other hand, lasts forever!

  189. Definitely 2. I love my flowers and plants and roses are beautiful but cut flowers die. With the yarn I can make my own and have them last forever. Give me yarn or a good book and I am happy. Better yet give me a gift card to any craft store and I will be in heaven. Lol

  190. That’s a no brainer hands down Yarn

  191. Ahh-yarn and all things made with it, lasts so much longer than flowers!

  192. The YARN!!! And I just discovered the mill end bin at my local store and got 18 skeins for the price of 6 skeins at regular price!! Don’t you LOVE sale prices!!

    Beads (Delicas especially for bead weaving!) are another addiction, so who needs flowers that are going to die? That the cats are going to try to eat? Haha!

  193. Hmmmm…I think I see a trend here. I certainly don’t want to disrupt it so just give my honest answer….YARN!

  194. I too would love the wool best but wouldn’t it be better still if what was spent on the flowers was spent on wool.I worked in a newsagent that sold flowers and red roses were always the first to die or not open. Just a terrible waste.

  195. YARNY GOODNESS!!!! Stupid question…. Ha Ha!!!

  196. Agree.

  197. I have so much yarn but I could always use more! So #2 is what I would want!

  198. Of course yarn!! Lots and lots of yarn?

  199. I would definitely want the yarn!!!

  200. Definitely the yarn! lol

  201. Yarn, it lasts longer!

  202. No 2, Cut flowers die so fast. $60 worth of yarn will be more than enough to make a large jumper for me.

  203. Yarn, but more than one skein.. or better yet, a gift certificate for a local yarn store!

  204. I have so much yarn that right now I’d take the roses!

  205. The Yarn of course… But a beautiful rose bouquet is not to be forgotten. Since I am single, the flowers don’t come often.
    Still the Yarn would come first, or a Gift card.

  206. #2 for sure!

  207. Allergic to roses, so Yarn definitely, but not acrylic yarn. I much prefer “natural” yarns.

  208. Yarn! I can always find something to crochet!

  209. Yarn of course, following the crowd LOL. However, I love the look on my husband’s face when he brings me flowers, and he is so special, he brings them without having a specific reason. Lucky girl, huh?

  210. My hubby knows not to even look at the flowers!! If he is going to spend that much money it better be a BIG BASKET of YARN!! LOL This past Christmas my son & daughter finally got it right. One gave me a big travel bag to carry all my wip’s in & a large needle & hooks carrier to go in the bag the other gave me a gift card to 3 main stores!! Love them kids!! Now if they could just teach their dad I don’t need another watch!! HMMMM!! LOL

  211. No contest – #2! Roses are lovely, but they die. When you make something, it lasts.

  212. Yarn of course, it or what you make will live on forever.

  213. I would take the yarn any day โ™ก

  214. Yarn..yarn..yarn..flowers die..lol

  215. I’d prefer yarn; however, if my husband buys “flowers,” generally he will get a plant that we can put in the yard….so it makes more sense than just getting cut flowers. With that being said, sometimes, he DOES get me flowers…for no special reason. He loves surprising me, and he likes the look of fresh flowers on the table…when it isn’t covered in yarn/yarn projects. He doesn’t buy me yarn, but he DOES buy me craft supplies or gift cards to get craft supplies. Great husband ๐Ÿ˜€

  216. How about one rose and a dozen skeins of yarn? I choose yarn.

  217. Yarn yarn yarn yarn

  218. Definitely the yarn!!! My family knows that if they give me yarn or gift cards for yarn, they will probably benefit as well! I love making things for my friends and family. Like someone mentioned above, my husband doesn’t buy flowers that will just die in several days….he buys me a plant to put in the yard or garden!! He knows how to make gifts last….just like the yarn that I crochet into hats, scarves, slippers, afghans, hot pads, washcloths, etc…. Happy Yarning everyone!

  219. I would rather have the yarn of course.

  220. Yarn lasts longer I`d always go for the yarn !

  221. Definitely yarn but I love that my hubby brings me home the whole plant, bush, etc. instead of just a bouquet. Nothing says lovin like your husband planting you rosebushes, lavender bushes, tulips, hyacinths, etc. He also understands the importance of “you can never have enough yarn”. lol

  222. It would be #2.
    Or a lot of cool pens…

  223. Total no-brainer!
    Although my family won’t buy me yarn because they think I have too much ๐Ÿ™

  224. Flowers die. I’d rather have something to keep forever or make something to give as a gift.

  225. I just love cool pens.

  226. Yarn please!

  227. Yarn! Please no plants for me.

  228. Yarn always. My grand daughter got me a gift certificate to a yarn shop for Christmas!

  229. That’s easy the YARN!!! I can’t do anything with the roses except look at them. With the yarn I can make something BEAUTIFUL!!!!

  230. WELL, the choice for me is a no-brainer. Definetely the yarn. It would be wonderful to find in a birthday card or christmas card or ‘just a note’ card, a gift voucher from my favourite craft /wool store.

  231. I’d rather have the money used to purchase #1 so I could buy lots of #2. ::grin::

  232. Yarn of course, in equal value. Think of all we could make with the yarn instead of looking at flowers for a few days!

  233. I would hope that my family and friends know that I would like yarn…but guess some of them my not get me…strange I know but guess it is possible…lol…thank for the laugh

  234. I like flowers but I LOVE yarn!

  235. I would rather have the yarn?

  236. Need you ask ๐Ÿ™‚

  237. The yarn of course. The flowers are beautiful but last only a couple weeks or so. The yarn can be used for something that would last much longer.

  238. Just like the rest of my knitting sisters, I would gladly take the yarn~!

  239. Definitely yarn, something soft and squishy, but preferably not bulky. Though as many have said something that can be planted in a flower garden โ€“ rose or anything else would be the next best thing.

  240. Yarn anytime. Anything to do with knitting.

  241. Yep, yarn wins! Flowers wilt and die, but yarn can last forever ๐Ÿ™‚ plus ita cheap!

  242. I would rather have the yarn, lol. ?

  243. I prefer the yarn, but rather than the pictured brand a skein of something from my favorite yarn store, (sorry Vanna).

  244. No having to even think about this. Gimme the yarn!!!

    I have asked my husband to simply take pictures of bouquets that he’d like to buy for me and I use them for screenshots!

  245. Yarn over flowers, unless it is a plant and HE plants it. That usually doesn’t happen. How about a gift certificate to Michael’s or Joanne’s or Hobby Lobby! Awesome!

  246. Enough fancy yarn to make something beautiful!

  247. I would want the roses because I always buy my own yarn. Love my husband but he picks out better flowers than yarn.

  248. The yarn, although I do love flowers!

  249. Yarn, yarn, yarn!

  250. Would have to say yarn. Showed this post to my husband and he got a kick out of it. Hope he takes the hint ?

  251. Yarn… hands down!!
    I prefer to see flowers still attached to the earth ๐Ÿ™‚

  252. Yarn of course. Love yarn.

  253. Yarn, yarn, YARN!!!! Flowers are very pretty, but in a few days…they are dead and gone. Yarn…well, it is soft and pretty and you get a lot of satisfaction making something special from it. Either for yourself or someone else.

  254. Yarn of course, flowers die.

  255. The flowers are great but they die so I would rather have the yarn God bless every one

  256. The Yarn with out a doubt!!!

  257. Yarn any day would be great and gift cards to craft stores. How hard is that to buy for.

  258. Most definitely the yarn. Your purse sounds like mine. I never go anywhere without my wip

  259. Yarn of course! Lol I can make beautiful roses with yarn if I choose to.

  260. This is a no-brainer…the yarn, of course.

  261. Yarn OR rose fibre to spin my own yarn!!!!!
    I can knit or felt roses for myself………..

  262. Yarn!’

  263. Honestly, I’d be surprised and overjoyed if I received either one. I can’ remember when anyone’s given me a gift like either one. If I must choose, I’d say the rose bouquet, because it’s something I’d never buy for myself.

  264. Yarn ๐Ÿ™‚

  265. Yarn. ๐Ÿ˜€

  266. of course i would rather have the yarn. Yarn is forever flowers wither . i have enjoyed staying up with the new cal, even though i am not doing this one i still keep up.

  267. I would prefer the yarn every time although the rose my 3mth old son got me for Valentine’s Day was pretty special too

  268. No question about it, yarn! In all my years of crocheting and knitting this Christmas was the first year anyone EVER gave me yarn, and it was my granddaughter, two balls of Vanna’s choice. I was thrilled. You can keep the flowers, I want yarn!!

  269. Yarn I can grow my own roses.

  270. Of course Yarn

  271. A bouquet a yarn would be perfect ๐Ÿ™‚

  272. I really love roses but the yarn comes first al the time!!!

  273. Easy, easy choice – the *yarn* of course! You can’t make anything with a bouquet of flowers! But I would gladly accept the cost of the flowers to spend at my Local Yarn Store…….

  274. If I have to choose then the yarn of course but I like flowers too!

  275. Yarn please lol

  276. Flowers are nice, but they die. Yarn never dies, it gets transformed into something beautiful. So hard as it may be, YARN would have to be my choice. Lol

  277. Oh goodness, yarn please! Though I probably don’t need anymore. Lol. Besides I could make might last a lifetime than the few weeks of the flowers.

  278. No contest, it has to be the YARN, Im allergic to flowers, cant be in the same room as them. I could also crochet some flowers using yarn

  279. Yarn, yarn and more yarn! Everytime ๐Ÿ™‚

  280. Always the yarn!

  281. Definitely the………hmmm, YARN!!

  282. Frederica Quinn42 on Ravelry

    Yarn every time! I am easy to shop for, my family knows it’s yarn.

  283. Definitely the yarn, I am always excited when anyone gives me yarn!

  284. Yarn, While my husband often brings me roses, they wilt and die. HOWEVER, this year I am on a yarn diet. No new yarn, unless it is to complete an already started project. I even have stash yarn hiding in with the Christmas decorations.( I have it bad.) I selected 12 WIPs to try to finish this year. Only going to allow myself 2 new projects this year.

  285. I wouldn’t mind #2, I especially wouldn’t mind a dozen of #2. Hmmm, wonder if my hubby would get the hint!?

  286. The Yarn of course…lol!

  287. No doubt about it, yarn!

  288. I got 2 dozen roses for Valentine’s Day/21wedding Anniversay and I can honestly say, as pretty as they were, I had that little voice in my head chirp emagine the yarn you could have bought with what he spent in those flowers?! Smh… After 21 years he should just know already right?!

  289. Both! LOL!!!!!

  290. The yarn of course!!!

  291. Yarn. I love chunky yarn! But no one ever buys me any.

  292. If it is a gift I’d want a more special, scrumptious yarn than that! So, I guess I am difficult to buy for.

  293. I would rather have someone give me a gift of yarn. I in turn would give someone something made with this yarn. Yarn most definitely!

  294. Yarn never dies! And that color is absolutely gorgeous! I could be biased though, as I am known as the Memaw who loves red. ๐Ÿ™‚

  295. Iam a total yarnaholic, yarn addict, out of control……my main goal this year is to obtain a huge stash of yarn…in every primary color and then some different types of yarn. So gee, as hard as it is to say….I WANT YARN!!!! Flowers can be any time but I’ve got to have that yarn!!! Lols. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  296. Yarn of course. If I had $60 worth of more DK yarn I go do another Wisteria MCAL.

  297. Yarn, of course!!! =)

  298. Just yesterday my husband cleaned out a corner in the dining room that contained many bags and boxes!! 90% of them were yarn , patterns etc! he wanted to take them to the storage unit! I said no way!! I NEED my yarn around me!! So you guessed it, It is yarn ……….it lasts much longer than flowers, although i do love flowers!

  299. Yarn ! I never get yarn! A nice good quality yarn ! Flowers are ok but I don’t like red roses, they die . I can make something and be happier with the yarn lasts longer! ?

  300. Definitely the yarn!!! Flowers are beautiful but they die quickly, whereas yarn you can make something beautiful and it can last a lifetime!!

  301. Well, I see I am a different duck. I buy all the yarn I want, but I rarely receive flowers. So I would treasure flowers occasionally. I also love yarn. LOL

  302. Well, I would rather watch my yarn stash grow, than to watch those flowers just wilt and die. But, my family all believe my yarns grow without their help. So, I will buy my own yarn and let some of you other ladies enjoy your flowers AND yarn!!!

  303. Evelyn Sutton Stanley

    I would much rather have that $59.99 to spend on yarn!!!!!

  304. Yarn Hands Down! I can look at the flowers on my daily walk on my break from crocheting ๐Ÿ™‚

  305. Yarn and lots of it!!!!!

  306. I would much rather have the yarn or even a voucher to purchase yarn or new tools. See I’m easy to shop for. Wish some of my family would take the hint and remember this. Xoxox to all us yarn lovers all over the world. Blessings from NZ

  307. I can always buy my own yarn but I never buy me flowers. Look the flowers cost $60. I can buy 15 skeins (more if I coupon or hit a sale) for that money so either give me flowers and spend $$$ on me or give me a gift card to a yarn store and I will buy the colors and types of yarn I like and can make the giver something too.

  308. I would prefer the yarn especially if it’s a luxury yarn I would not normally spend the money on. I really do like flowers, put just pick me some wildflowers displayed nicely and I’d be happy.

  309. yarn all the way

  310. Roses are beautiful but yarn last forever ๐Ÿ™‚

  311. Every birthday Valentine’s Day or Christmas my family asks what do I want. The answer is always the same…. YARN, duh.

  312. WOW! Really, no choice involved at all, if you’re a “true” yarn-aholic…#2 of course. What better way to say you love me, than to give something ‘I’ truly love, as much as I love you?

  313. Well the YARN, of course!! NEVER get to much yarn!!

  314. I’ve never cared for cut flowers. They’re a waste of money and just die. I’d rather have something I could use, like yarn!

  315. Yarn would be my choice, my comment echoes what others have said, flowers die and what you create with yarn lasts indefinitely.

  316. Yarn, I can use any color to make any thing.

  317. I would definitely rather have the yarn. I don’t really like Vanna’s Choice but I would still rather have that than flowers.

  318. Yarn. Even if a dont have space ๐Ÿ˜‰

  319. Even my hubby would know that one. I’m not all that crazy about roses. My favorite flowers are carnations and daisy’s. Give me yarn, give me yarn, lots and lots of yarn!

  320. The yarn of course, will last longer than Roses but they would be nice too. haha

  321. Haha, I love both! But, feed my addiction of yarn, please! ๐Ÿ˜›

  322. Yarn of course ?

  323. No choice at all, yarn of course !!!

  324. I would so rather have the yarn.

  325. I rather have yarn.why because I can make something with love n cherish

  326. Yarn of course…….But roses are nice now and then. I sure wish my hubby could crochet me some.

  327. Yarn most definitely! ! I am not much on flowers but people in my family normally don’t get the hint. The closest they have come is a Michael’s gift card or once a JoAnn card

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