Veronica MCAL Scholarship Program

Veronica Meets Spring Scholarship Program
I feel so very fortunate to be able to do something I love and support my family all at the same time. My crafting community events are the reason I’m able to put my kids down for their naps everyday, kiss their boo-boos when they fall down, and attend all of their important events. I know not every mother is so lucky, and I’m thankful for that each and every day.
I like to try to share my good fortune in every way possible, which is how my Mystery Create-A-Long Scholarship Programs were created.
The Veronica Meets Spring Mystery Create-A-Long Scholarship Program is being sponsored by myself along with a handful of really generous crafters from our wonderful little community. I’m always SO touched when people contact me saying they’d like to help with these programs. Our community is one of a kind, and I’m so proud to be a part of it.
The Veronica MCAL Scholarships will consist of free entry into the event, along with either a $20 Michael’s Gift Card (for U.S. recipients) or $20 gifted to the recipient’s PayPal account (for International recipients). This $20 stipend is to be used for purchasing the yarn needed for the event. 3 recipients will be gifted their yarn from a fellow group member as a substitution for the gift card.
There are 20 scholarships available.
To be considered for a Veronica Meets Spring MCAL Scholarship:
- Send me an e-mail to [email protected] with subject line “Veronica Scholarship”.
- Tell me who you’d like to nominate, and leave me their e-mail address (it is ok to nominate yourself).
- Write me a short note about why you think this person is really deserving of free entry into Veronica.
Please only apply if you truly cannot afford to participate in the event otherwise. There will be many deserving applicants, and I want these scholarships to go to those who are truly in need.
*If the requested information is not included in your e-mail, your application will not be considered.*
All scholarship applications must be received by 5/24 at Midnight (MST). You may not receive a reply to your scholarship application e-mail as I am very busy with the Veronica launch. Rest assured that if you send it to the above e-mail address, I will have received your e-mail and your application is being considered. Recipients will be contacted via the e-mail address provided on 5/26.
If you’re interested in donating to the scholarship program and helping to create more scholarship opportunities, then please e-mail me at [email protected].
Thanks again for your continued support! It’s simply impossible to express how much it means to me and my family.
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I am w/out funds for the pattern. I am sure there is yarn for it. Thank you for the offer. Imagine! 70 years and digging out of a $$ hole, due to loss of my work.
I’m unable tto get yarn for the pattern. I’m without funds because I’m disabled and all my funds go to getting my medicine which is very expensive.I love to crochet and I’m so excited to be in a group with good crocheters and knitters.
What a wonderful group this is…..I am so happy to be a part of a wonderful group
I would love to be considered, as a full time working mother, I can’t always afford to buy the patterns for things I love. Thanks for the consideration. Judy
Veronica Scholarship
I would love to be considered for a scholarship. I honestly can not afford the yarn or the cost of the pattern, since I am disabled. Since becoming disabled my only relief from the constant pain is to sit and crochet. Thank you for your consideration.
I bought the Wisteria MKAL, at $16AUD, the most exhorbitant single patterm I have ever bought. But it was so worth it, with the extensive pattern details and the personalised online back-up to get through it. I’s love to give a smaller project a go this time. I have the yarn, and the yearn. xox
I’d like to nominate my friend from “down- under” Louise Jackson she is always helping other crocheters with tips, tricks finding patterns, she crochets for hospitals and donates her beautiful works to charities. I’d love for her to have the opportunity to crochet something for herself!!
I would like you to consider my daughter Tara for the scholarship. She has broken leg and elbow and while recovering got a blood clot in her lung. The medication she is taking is very expensive. She has two small children at home and her son is autistic. I feel she could really use a little something to lift her spirits. Thank you
I would like to be considered for a scholarship for Veronica’s mcal. I am disabled and we just moved 600 miles and had many expenses.
I would love to be considered for this wonderful offer. With my husband and myself both retired on disabilities it makes it difficult to afford any extras. I am new to this group ang have enjoyed seeing all the beautiful work and the equally beautiful people.
I bought the pattern last week but am without cotton yarn at this time. I will however retain all of the installments to the pattern and make it when I am able. I have lots of acrylic yarn but wanted to do this in cotton so I will wait. I would not dream of taking away someone’s chance to participate when I can do it later on. Am so looking forward to this CAL!! Thanks !
I would love to have a gift to join sooner but it just popped up on my page in Facebook I can’t afford this yarn for the kal my hubby n I don’t have a lot of money just enough to pay the bills we had to sell our house couldn’t afford the payments so we moved in my youngest daughters basement that my hubby made into an apt I’m probably too late but thought I’d try I never knew bout this site till now thank you