Spread the Word {Win Some Yarn}!
As you may know, one of my business resolutions this year was to create more knit and crochet community events and fun. I don’t know a lot of local crafters, and since I live in a small town, there are no yarn shops nearby. Plus with two small kids at home, getting away just doesn’t happen very regularly. So I’ve set out to create an online community where crafters like me can have fun, make friends, challenge their skills, and break out of the norm.

Home of the Mystery CAL/KAL
I’m really proud to say that it’s only April, but things have been steadily moving in such a wonderful direction! I’ve already hosted two incredible Mystery Create-A-Longs this year which totally blew me out of the water with the number of people participating, and how kind and helpful everyone was. The next Mystery CAL/KAL won’t be for another month or so, so in the mean time, my Group Manager, Claudia, has created a technique challenge over in the Facebook Group where everyone is trying out new techniques….with prizes up for grabs, and a truly wonderful group, these challenges should continue to be really fun events.
If you’re not already a part of the Facebook Group, you’re invited to come join in on the fun! Just click here to be taken to the group now. You’ll have to put in a request to join, but one of the admins will get you approved shortly so you can start participating in the fun!
So….now that I’ve just gone off on that long tangent, haha, it’s time to share something super exciting! I’ve decided that in order to help spread the word about our wonderful little community, I’m going to host regular yarn giveaways!

Yarn Giveaway!
Every other week, I’ll post a new yarn giveaway. Each time I’ll randomly choose yarn that looks fun to work with! I love trying out new yarn, and this will give the winners a chance to do the same. These giveaways will be open to everyone worldwide. However, since shipping internationally costs so much, if the winner is outside of the United States, they’ll be sent a digital $25 Etsy Gift Card instead of the yarn from the giveaway. That way everyone gets the chance to join in on the fun, but shipping out prizes won’t break the bank for me.
You have the chance to win some truly gorgeous yarn in this first giveaway! I’ve got a hank of Handspun Thick and Thin Yarn from Spinning Wheel Studios, a hank of Rowan Colourscape Chunky, and a mystery hank of very colorful worsted weight (or at least that’s what it looks like) up for grabs.
Enter To Win Now:
1. If you don’t already receive my newsletter, sign up for the Melody’s Makings Newsletter now! Just enter your information into the form below. (Winners will be announced via the newsletter, so you’ll need to be on the list in order to see if you won)
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2. Give Melody’s Makings a “like” on Facebook! Simply hit the “like” button below:
3. Share this giveaway with your crafty friends. Please use the handy social sharing buttons at the bottom of this post so your crafty friends can enter to win too!
4. Confirm you’ve completed all of the steps by putting your name and e-mail address into the Rafflecopter form below.
This giveaway is open for new entries through 5/6. Winner will be randomly selected on 5/7 and announced in my newsletter on 5/8. Good luck!
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Apparently I did this correctly. Luck to me winning 🙂
Great job on the video!! I would LOVE to win these yarns!
How nice of you to share! Love your patterns and knit alongs! PS You did fine on your video. 🙂
I am soooo happy that I have found you Melody! You have the best group on the net! Even though I haven’t done one of your MCAL’s “yet”!! that will change I have enjoyed meeting all the lovely folks here in your Crafty Community! Thank you <3
PS winning some yarn would be the cat's meow!!! 🙂
Loved your live FB video! You did great!
Thank you for the chance to win yarn!
Pinned it, Tweeted it, G+ and shared on Facebook. Best of luck to everyone and a huge Thank you to Melody for this opportunity to win beautiful yarn.
Hiya Melody you didnt make a fool of yourself at all , thanks for the chance to win something and the yarn looks lush xxxx
Wow hope to win love your patterns.
I think I did everything correctly. Beautiful yarn & page!
So fun but never have much luck figuring out how to use Rafflecopter. AT this point, I am already a newsletter subscriber, LIKED your Facebook page eons ago, have shared this post on PInterest, Facebook and Twitter, and the only thing I can get checked in Rafflecopter box is Confirming the Steps. I can’t click on anything else there; it won’t do anything.
Anyone got any ideas how to make that work for me? This is the hardest one I’ve tried to do; can’t figure out why it won’t let me do anything else to earn those checkmarks; hmmmmmmm……technology.
Your video was great! Have faith in yourself!! Yay for yarn!! ❤??
Thank you!
Love the video, and love this group.
hope to win thank you
Shared on Facebook, really hope I win, I haven’t won anything yet, but I’m really keeping my fingers crossed for this one!
The video was great and love the yarn!!!
Love the pastel colored yarn. I could use it to make something beautiful for one of my grand babies.?
Thanks for the chance, and for including those of us outside the US! You have an amazing community of yarnies that belong to your group!
I would love to win this! ♡♡♡
Can’t wait to see my name sometime winning awesome yarn!
Your video was great btw
good luck everyone who enters!!! Thank you;)
Liked, shared on Pintrest. I would love to win that beautiful yarn!
Good Luck, everyone. What a generous lady Melody is. What an awesome group we are all part of. 🙂
Lovely yarn giveaway! Those colors are very pretty. Shared on FB and all steps completed! Good luck everyone!
You did great I think that we are all like that when we do something out of our comfort zone. Salena did one last week on her FB site yu need to go see for her CALshe has going on right now and her little boy was behind her making funny faces the whole time you should check it out it was so funny, so at least you didnt have that as a distraction LOL! I love that yarn your giving away, I especially want that Mystery yarn!!! Good Luck everyone and no worries you did great on the Video!!
Wonderful yarn!
Beautiful yarn
Beautiful colors of yarn!
this is such yummy yarn. 🙂
Thanks for the chance to win this pretty rainbow sherbert looking yarny goodness! Good luck everyone.
The colors of your yarn are beautiful. Would love to win it and make some terrific things with it.
This is so much fun and a little excitement into my life. Thanks♡♡♡
Ooops forgot to say did all of the requirements.
Love yarn and anything crafty
Shared, tweeted & pinned!
What a fun giveaway! I’ve been in a bit of a yarn and emotional slump, so hoping I soon get inspired!
Happy stitching!
Thank you for the opportunity. Beautiful yarn. 🙂
I am so excited about this giveaway and this beautiful yarn. Thank you.
The yarn you have selected is beautiful. I love the combinations of colors. WHOEVER Wins Will Be One Very Lucky lady.
Gorgeous yarn, looks like some fun to create with!! Thanks for the chance!!
I love the ice cream prettiness of it!
Good luck to everyone that enter. We all love yarn.
I’m pretty sure I did this right. Lol
Entered. Allergic to wool. Love this contest.
Well, I heard about this one BEFORE it was over. Perhaps I might get lucky again!
Thank you so much for generously sharing all of your talents with us. (I am in the Wysteria MCAL turtle club, still plugging away. Hope to have it finished before the years end.)
Shared love the yarn thank you for the contest
all done
All done. ☺
It won’t let you do anything because you have already done it in the past. Just share. Good luck to us. Lol
Yay! I love your stuff! Still working on my Wisteria but getting close. Love the new yarn. I’ve never won anything before would be awesome
Hope I did all steps right !!!Grest yarn !!
I’m glad to enjoy the group…
Ha ha! Directions said to put name and email to confirm. I entered only my name, then the box closed! If I win, you won’t know how to email me! ?
Would love some yarn
anna smith
Done! Fingers crossed!
That yarn is sooooooooooo pretty !
That yarn is sooooooo Pretty ! Id llve to win some !!!!
I love yarn!! Free yarn is better yet! I hope I win! Thank you so much for making this available for us!
Beautiful color yarns. Priceless. Thank you so much for the giveaway. Love reading your emails.
Thank you for your generosity – would love to win yarn.
Love the yarn!
you are awesome!!!
Love the new yarn and I also enjoyed the Lucet instructions! I’d love to win that gorgeous yarn and variegated yarns are my favorite! These colors remind me of sherbet.
Done, and thanks for all the goodies!
entered. love giveaways. and right now I’m working on collecting goodies to use as prizes for our Knit/Crochet in public event. so if I won, I would pay it forward and use as a prize for that. 🙂
Good Luck to me! Would live to win! Love patterns & website!
Thanks for all your newsletter. Have made the mystery CAL Wisteria in some handspan alpaca and have dyed it a deep denim colour. Just waiting for some cool weather here in Australia to show it off.
What beautiful yarn! Thank you for the chance to win it 🙂
I’ve dont have facebook, will that disqualify me??
i dont have a face book account.
will not liking your facebook page affect my entry? I dont have a facebook account.
No, if you don’t have one that’s totally ok 🙂
I would love to win this yarn…just in time for Mother’s DAy
Thank you for the opportunity to win something pretty and fun.
What a great concept! Thanks for the opportunity! One question I have is how to convert a crochet pattern to a knit pattern?
Thanks for chance to win..
how nice of you to offer this!
Hope I did that right! The yarn is lovely and so are your patterns and group! Have a Great day!! 🙂
I love your patterns and contests!
Today the FB link isn’t working. Will try again later
Always love new yarn.
I would love to win thia beautiful yarn ♡♡♡♡
Beautiful yarn! I promise I will give it a loving home!
BEAUTIFUL yarn and such a sweet idea!!?
Shared on Pinterest and Facebook. You are wonderful and I can’t wait until the next MCAL!
Thank you for the chance to win…though the facebook sharing button is not working for me…hope i can still win! Thanks
Thank You !!
Thank you for the chance to win some yarn. Except for the Wisteria yarn (I’m finally working on Wisteria), I’m about yarnless. Is yarnless a word? If it isn’t, it should be, along with yarnful, for those of you who have closets full of yarn like I once had. Good luck to all, and most of all, to me.
I did it! Good luck to me! LOL
I would love to win some of your lovely yarn. I’m looking forward to receiving your e-mails.e
Love it!
Thank you for all the nice work. Love to win the Give away.
How very kind of you Melody! Good luck to all the entrants!
Beautiful yarn is my favorite “THING”. Can’t think of anything I’d like more than to win this. Looks beautiful and I would LOVE to get my hands on some.