How to Knit | Binding Off and Decreasing

Last week I gave you what you needed to get started on your hat patterns. Do you have a partially knitted hat sitting in front of you ready to finish!? I hope so! Today I’ll be giving you all the tools necessary to finish your first knit project up. I’m so excited!! I hope you’ll

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How to Knit | The Purl Stitch

I am finally back with the next segment on how to do the purl stitch (I know, I know….it took me forever!!). I was off on a family trip to Seattle, which was tons of fun and has brought me back this week with renewed vigor. I apologize for the delay in getting this segment

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How to Knit | The Knit Stitch

I’m back with how to do the knit stitch! This one is pretty much all about the video, but I did want to mention one extra thing. When you are watching me do the stitch, make sure you check out what my right hand is doing too. You’ll notice that I’m holding the yarn tight

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How to Knit | Casting On

In the First Segment of this series, we talked about the different types of yarn, and what needle sizes they should be used with. Your homework was to go out and get your first set of straight knitting needles and the yarn you need for one of the three projects I listed (or to decide

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