How to Knit the Picot Bind Off

A scalloped edge can add a beautiful finishing touch to any knit project.  The picot bind off method is a great way to create that gorgeous shell shape!  This bind off method looks complicated, but it’s actually fairly basic.

Check out this step-by-step photo tutorial on how to do the knit picot bind off.


Start with all your stitches on the left needle as if starting a new row or round.

stitches on left needle

Knit the first stitch

knit first stitch

Next cast on two more stitches using the cable cast on method (shown here).

Step one of cable cast on: Insert right needle between first two stitches on left needle.

first step of cable cast on method

Step two of cable cast on: Wrap working yarn around needle as if you were going to knit.

wrap working yarn around needle

Step three of cable cast on: Draw a loop between the first two stitches

draw loop between first two stitches

Step four of cable cast on: Remove loop from right needle and place onto left needle

Remove loop from right needle and place onto left needle

Step five of cable cast on: Repeat steps between the stitch you just created and the next stitch on left needle

repeat steps between stitch just created and next stitch on needle draw up loop place new stitch onto left needle

Next, bind off the next four stitches (you’ll actually be working with five stitches since you already have one on your right needle).

bind off next four stitches

Repeat the process across all stitches on your needles for a gorgeous scalloped edge.

Repeat the process across all stitches

Want to put your new skills to practice?  Check out the Ruffle Shirt Pattern to get started right away!

Want to put your new skills to practice?  Check out the Ruffle Shirt Pattern to get started right away!