Call For Submissions



Call for Knit/Crochet Pattern Submissions

My family has some pretty exciting life changes happening right now (don’t worry – I’ll share the details with you soon) and thus my business is once again expanding and changing.  One of the things I love most about online business is the constant growth and change.  I get bored easily….but I’m never bored when it comes to this biz!

I’m adding on to my Guest Contributor Program in 2017 and now putting out a call for submissions to my fellow knit and crochet designers.  I’d love to feature more garments, and some new designers here on the blog, so it’s time to change things up just a bit.

You’ll find this call for submissions is very similar to the kind you’ll see from major yarn companies and/or magazines.  The return payment is also quite comparable.  If you’re looking less for monetary compensation and for more brand recognition, then my Guest Contributor Opportunities may be the best option for you.  Though you’ll still receive credit and a link with these call for submissions, they won’t give you quite the same amount of exposure.  Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions!

How does it work?

Right now I’m accepting pattern submissions for April through June of 2017.  Any knit or crochet patterns will be considered.  I’m not terribly picky about the specific type of item your pattern is for – I’m more interested in high quality designs with beautiful finished projects.  Considering the seasons for your submissions is also a great idea (ex. Spring Designs, Light weight yarns and fabrics, etc. fit this time of year well).

Deadline: Ongoing (Submissions will be accepted every couple of weeks until the deadline is reached or all positions are full)

In order to submit your pattern:

Please email me at [email protected].  Please include the following in that email:

  • The idea for the pattern you’d like to submit (submissions with photos or sketches will receive first priority).
  • The type of yarn you’d like to use and a photo of your gauge swatch.
  • A link to your Rav. shop or website so I can view samples of your previous work.
  • A blurb about yourself and your business that you’d like me to include at the bottom of your post.
  • The time frame you can complete your project in so I can add you to my schedule.  All pattern info, schematics, and photos will be due to me one month in advance of your scheduled publish date.

Requirements: I provide tech. editing for all patterns that are chosen after submission. You are expected to have had the pattern tested (at least one size worked up by someone other than yourself) before sending me your final copy. If you’re comfortable providing your own professional quality photos, then I’ll increase the payment agreement for your item to reflect the extra work.  Otherwise, I’ll photograph these items myself and will add shipping costs into your total compensation.  Samples will be returned.  All pattern info, schematics, and photos will be due to me one month in advance of your scheduled publish date.

What do you get in return?

Compensation is between $200-600 depending on the size and type of item (hats/small accessories in the $200 range and garments in the $600 range).  If your submission is accepted, I will send you a payment proposal/agreement at that time.  You are responsible for purchasing your own yarn.  You will be allowed to keep your sample.

For each submission, I’ll be including a designer spotlight at the bottom of the post.  This will include a photo representing your business along with one link to your website or Ravelry shop.  Your name will also be included on the pattern PDF listing you as the designer.  My logo and business information will be listed on the PDF.

Payment will be made after I’ve received all requested information from you, and after tech. editing is complete to ensure the pattern is high quality.

What are the terms?

Patterns will be exclusive to my website for 6 months from the date of posting.  The description, and info. included in the pattern introduction will be exclusive to my site permanently, and no portion of it may be copied if you re-post the pattern on your own site when the 6 month term has expired.  The post and pattern will remain on my site permanently as a free pattern.

You will also be responsible for answering any questions that I may receive about the pattern in the future.  All of these questions will be forwarded to you via e-mail.

I’m so looking forward to working with you!

Have any questions!?  Please send me an e-mail at [email protected].

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