Let’s Bring Back #5daysofcraftylife!
Last year around this time, I challenged our little community to show me what 5 days of crafty life looks like to you! It was such a fun community bonding and strengthening event, and I was totally blown away by the number of people who participated! So….it seems like the perfect time to bring the challenge back. I’m really looking forward to seeing what living a crafty life means to you.
I challenge you.

In order to take the challenge:
- Share this post and tag 2 crafty friends challenging them to show off their 5 Days of Crafty Life too!
2. For five consecutive days, take one photo that represents your current crafty life and post it to your favorite social media page.
Tag me in your photo by using @melodysmakings and use hashtag #5DaysofCraftyLife
Photos can be of ANYTHING crafty in your life! They don’t necessarily have to be knit or crochet related….get creative with it! It’s fun to mix things up and share new aspects of yourself.
If you don’t have a social media account that you’d like to share your challenge photos on, then come on over and join the Melody’s Makings Facebook Group and share them there! We have 14k+ knitters and crocheters enjoying the group already….we’d love for you to join us!
Click here to request to join the FB group now.
I’m super excited to see all the photos this week!
I’ll be posting my first photo tomorrow, but feel free to join in the fun at any point.
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